Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Aubrey Lynn Christensen

So, Aubrey is here and Matt and I are so excited to finally have her to hold in our arms. As you all know (or should know), she was born September 18th at 5:32 AM and she weighed 7 pounds 15 ounces and was 20 1/4" long. I was in labor for 15 1/2 hours and I did get an epidural but, not until 3 hours before she was born. Man that epidural was a lifesaver! WOO. Thank goodness for those! She is such an angel and very very sweet. The only time she has cried is because she has a diaper rash that hurt her pretty bad. Other than that, she has the occasional whimper, but nothing really bad. She is perfect. Matt and I are doing well with her. It has taken A LOT of getting used's different, but a GREAT different and we feel truly blessed to have her so happy and healthy. I am so grateful for Matt. He does baby duty every other night, so that I can get some much needed rest. Yes, I still have to wake up every 2-3 hours to feed/pump because I am breastfeeding, but hey it's worth it! She's great! Matt's great! and we are so thrilled to have her! Love you all and thanks for all of the phone calls checking in on us! We really appreciate it! :) :) :) :)


Sheri said...

She's beautiful! Congratulations - I can't believe my baby brother has a baby of his own!!

Jodi Gallagher said...

She's a doll! Can't wait to see her in December!